
Mystery December 2012

December~always is...

  • End of the YEAR~
  • Christmas month~
  • count down for the NEW YEAR~
  • Dong Zhi month~(吃汤圆)
  • Holidays for primary, secondary student~
  • Study month for University student~
  • Party month~(25/12) (31/12)
  • Gathering Month~
  • .......

December 2012 will be a mystery month for whole the world~
21/12/2012 will be THE END OF THE WORLD??

but have others saying is 21/12/2012 will be a dark day~
n this situation will continues 3 days~
In this 3 days~all technology r useless~ 
Malaysia will have a very very very cold weather...maybe in negative degree~
once u can get through this 3 days~ then u will be safe~ 
after that we call it REBORN~ 

we only can waiting here~ n do nothing~
my fren keep asking those who still stay in UUM to prepare the dry food~~ like maggie, bread, biscuit....to get through that 3 days~
speechless ><

I wan go back home~
if really is the end of the world~ then i still can stick with my family~ hehe



Waving Hello Kitty Kaoani Waving Hello Kitty Kaoani Waving Hello Kitty KaoaniWaving Hello Kitty KaoaniWaving Hello Kitty Kaoani